“I will work to continue Rep. Trone’s success at ensuring that the MD-6 gets its fair share of federal funding, such as FY24’s $16 million in Community Project Funding in the District—making him one of the top 10 Democrats in securing such funding.


The most critical issue in this race is the economic well-being of Maryland families

  • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). These can provide concessionary loans, investment capital, and financial services to benefit small businesses and low-income housing.  I’m the only candidate proposing this.

  • I support “Right to Start” for business startups—from high tech to florists to restaurants—that would include streamlining government forms and applications and offering tax and fee holidays for businesses younger than five years old.  I’m the only candidate supporting this.

  • I’ll bring my knowledge of fostering U.S. startups to work with MD-6 communities to attract private investment capital.  I want to be the first “Incubator Member of Congress.”