Fifty percent of Americans won’t earn as much their parents did — the lowest percentage since World War II. People need a living wage, education that doesn’t leave them struggling with debt, and an economy where the next generation will have a better future instead of falling behind.

It’s going to take a lot of grit to change that, and Peter wants to bring his experience building businesses from scratch to Congress.

Peter has been involved in national Democratic politics for years, including serving as the Executive Director of the 2004 Democratic Platform Committee for John Kerry. He has spent his career helping people get through struggles and hardships, defending people who could not defend themselves, and achieving results for people who needed him in their corner.

Peter wants to serve Maryland by growing the economy, financing higher education, advancing fundamental tax reform, expanding vocational training and jobs, investing in the green economy, and making government more effective and efficient. And he will protect America’s national and economic security. But most of all, Peter will fight for the people of Maryland’s 6th District.

Why He’s Running